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Showing posts from 2019

The LLC is born

A few weeks have gone by, we find our adventurers have all reconnected  in Blackford. Surus has managed to get this sword upgraded with the blacksmith, Cherem has re-joined to the group as well. As they all are around in the town square they small the most amazing food of their lives. Pulled by this they join a man at his campfire. They end up eating and telling stores till they are full and tired. Luckily they tell good stories and discover this is a Copper Dragon named Zemmy and are rewarded. They are then approached by a messenger and are called back to Neverwinter. There they are sent to a meeting room and meet with "The Manger". The then end up meeting "The Owner" They finally close the deal and everyone shakes hands while saying "partner" Now that this deal is done they resume the grater mission and head for the Elder Black Dragon.

Making it to Neverwinter

Our adventures wake up in a lighthouse, all except Cherem who is underwater, and decide then need to get back on track to get to Neverwinter. They realize that they ended up at this lighthouse when they were skiing down a mountain to leave the Silver Dragon. So, they figure if they travel back to the Silver dragon they will be atop of that same mountain and can get back on track.... Raven uses the magical compass and transports them to the silver dragon. Where they see a castle of clouds once more. Turning their packs to this castle they head down the mountain side. Once at the bottom they soon realize they are not where they expected to be. Reading the map and different roads signs they come across they quickly realize that was not the same mountain as before! Do the Elder dragons keep more then one lair? do they move their lairs? Only time will make this clear. For now they keep on mission to get to Neverwinter and travel north-west till they get there. After much traveli...

Underwater Level

We find our adventures heading down a mountain when they suddenly trip a magical spot and are transported to an island. Looking around they see a lighthouse, a dock and lots of water. This feels like an island by the amount of water they see. On the beach the adventures separate. Cherem jumps into the waters by himself.  Spectre meditates on the beach and the rest of the team fallow Kan-ra who spots a man standing on a nearby dock. At the dock they meet the a man named Typhoon. As he stands at the edge of the dock he tells them they have arrived on the Island of Ruathym. That there is a great item down in the dangerous depths of these waters. He also says he awaits for someone worthy to retrieve this item. He does not speak much more and never looks up from the water. They head back to the beach and find Spectre is in a trance, floating and unmovable.Kan-ra was able to see that this was from a magical force coming from the waters.... As they stood there trying to ri...

The Silver and The Gold

Our Adventures travel to the grate island. It is plush and green. They see a beautiful Tower Castle of Gold on the top of an island surrounded by nicely kept hedges. As they walk into the garden they find it is a magical maze. There is a central area with a sundial that has shadows that move , there are different areas where they have to collect magical gems before they are able to leave. Once they solve all of these they finally make it out of the gardens and to the base of the tower.They find there is the tower entrance, a labeled exit and a cultist laying dead on the ground. They venture into the tower and Surus is able to talk to the dragon in human form. Surus finds out the the cultist body they found, the dragon had thrown over the balcony a week ago. He is able to impress the dragon with a gift of all the gems they collected in the garden. After the dragon tells that there is an item they were in trusted with is up the next flight of stairs changes into a Gold Dragon a...