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Showing posts from August, 2018

Episode 1: Greenest in Flames

Our adventures start rushing to town to see what is going on and if it is, indeed, a dragon they see flying around in the air... they run right into a group of 6 kobolds. Unarmed, and ill-prepared for battle they fight and find the strength to take the foes out.  Upon seeing this victory a stranger, Raven, emerged from the shadows and joins the group. With the immediate threat of dragon in the area there is little time to question extra help.  Arriving at the main entry to the town there are 6 cultist guarding the way. Our adventures put their heads and their skills together to form a plan.... create a fog distraction, throw one of them in the middle of it and see what happens. This turns out to be a wildly successful plan. Not only does one of them get thrown into the middle of the fog, but Wizzdom is blown with a huge guest of wind into the foes, after the fog and dust cloud cleared... only Wizzdom  was left in his shell and 3 of the cultist were knocked ...

In the begining

For the past several days Kan-Ra, Cherem, and Mittens the Destroyer have been traveling a road that winds lazily across the rolling grasslands of the Greenfields. Sundown is approaching when you top a rise and see the town of Greenest just a few short miles away. But instead of the pleasant, welcoming town you expected, you see columns of black smoke rising from burning buildings, running figures that are little more than dots at this distance, and a dark, winged shape wheeling low over the keep that rises above the center of the town. Greenest is being attacked by a dragon!