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Episode 1: Greenest in Flames

Our adventures start rushing to town to see what is going on and if it is, indeed, a dragon they see flying around in the air... they run right into a group of 6 kobolds. Unarmed, and ill-prepared for battle they fight and find the strength to take the foes out. Upon seeing this victory a stranger, Raven, emerged from the shadows and joins the group. With the immediate threat of dragon in the area there is little time to question extra help. 
Arriving at the main entry to the town there are 6 cultist guarding the way. Our adventures put their heads and their skills together to form a plan.... create a fog distraction, throw one of them in the middle of it and see what happens. This turns out to be a wildly successful plan. Not only does one of them get thrown into the middle of the fog, but Wizzdom is blown with a huge guest of wind into the foes, after the fog and dust cloud cleared... only Wizzdom  was left in his shell and 3 of the cultist were knocked out around him. This left the other three open to attack
Without warning, five humans dash out from between two buildings on your left. A limping man and three young children race across the street into more shadows, and a woman carrying a round shield and a broken spear turns and faces back in the direction from which they came. Eight kobolds stream out of the alley on the family’s heels and fan out around the woman, who looks determined to delay the creatures for as long as possible. Our adventures come to the aid of these villagers and fight off the eight kobolds. They then escort the villagers to the Keep, in selflessness and to seek some answers.
Once their they are brought to meet the Governor. His name is Nighthill. The right side of his face and head are bandaged, his right arm hangs in a sling, and his light blue tunic is stained with his own blood. He received these wounds during the early stages of the attack and hasn’t spared the time for more than cursory first aid. They also meet Castellan Escobert the Red. Escobert is a shield dwarf with knotted, tangled, bright red hair. As master of the keep, Escobert is in charge of its defense He carries an enormous ring of iron and brass keys to the many locks in the keep. Nighthill tells our adventurous how there are more villagers out in the town. He doesn't think this battle will go on too long, that the attackers seem only interested in looting the town, but they are unforgiving to all who are in the way. Our adventures agree help.
They are given the Keys that Castellan holds and taken to a long and dark tunnel. At the end of this tunnel is a door that no one has used in years and very few know about. Our adventures use this to leave the Keep undecided and look for more villagers. Once out of the tunnel the group slips up, one following a century and the others head into the town. The first group find a group of villagers hiding in the overgrown areas around the river and takes them back to the secret entrance before heading to meet the rest of the group. The second group find a much more powerful group of foes and is swift to attach. As they destroy (loudly) these foes the first group catches up to them. They gather villagers and rush them to the secret entrance. As they travel the try to conceal the footsteps that are being left.... They make it to the tunnel and rush the villagers down the secret entrance.
